Friday, October 24, 2008

Everything old, is new again

I know you were sick or it eight years ago. But this time they have something to say.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Lincoln Logs

Abraham Lincoln and his presidency are occasionally linked to JFK because they were both assassinated. But as I read more and more books about Honest Abe I'm finding interesting parallels between the 1860 presidential election and 2008. Anyone who paid attention in elementary school knows Abe was poor. He did his homework by candlelight and worked as a laborer to help out his family. But shortly after marrying Mary Todd he was painted by political opponents as the candidate of wealth and privilege. Similar to a certain young man from Hawaii raised by a single mother who occasionally was on public assistance. Barack Obama never had any real money until his last book was a best seller. He and his wife both spent time in public service. They were hardly starving but it's unfair to paint them as a elitist and rich. Another parallel is that Lincoln was a little known politician with nothing much to recommend him but a history of good ideas expressed in good speeches and a little time in the Illinois State legislature. Sound Familiar? Both Lincoln and Obama ran against more established men (and in Obama's case, women) but when the dust settled they were the ones left standing. Lincoln had William Seward, Salmon Chase, and Edward Bates. Obama defeated Clinton, Biden, and Edwards. All six people made the mistake of thinking it was their turn and the young upstart was just one more minor obstacle on the road to the White House. Why do politicians always underestimate the public's hunger for something more? Why is the transformative power of one man with the answer and the ability to lead so impossible to see until you're standing on a podium conceeding an election to him?
I spoke on the phone to my 88 year old grandmother on Saturday. I know I'm surprised at the prospect of possibly seeing an African-American president in my lifetime, so she has to be about to fall over that she just may see it in her's. My grandmother grew up in Mississippi and as a woman of color was in her forties before she could vote. She's actually only a few months younger than the 19th Amendment that granted women the right to vote. And Barack Obama doesn't have her vote because he is black or simply because he is on the side of gender equality that she is, but because she beleives he can make America the place children in other countries hear about in bedtime stories.
Both Lincoln and Obama have run for the highest office in the land at a time when the wrong man could either keep his country together or preside over it falling apart. The United States of America is a grand idea. A bunch of people of different races, religions, ideologies, and backgrounds deciding to get together and pollute the environment, consume more of the world's resources than we produce, wage wars, and spread hegemony whenever and wherever we can. And it takes vigilance for the whole thing not to fall apart. Lincoln had that. America could be two countries right now. And I think Obama has that. So I think that we won't end up in a post-apocalyptic Mad Max beyond Thunderdome reality if he's elected.

Princess? Meh!

Some women are born great. Some women achieve greatness. Others have greatness thrust upon them. Sarah Haskins just is great

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fool-proof Pie Crust

4 cups all purpose flour,
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
1/2 cup water
1 3/4 cup of shortening {not refrigerated, do not use oill, lard,margerine or butter}
1 tbsp. vingegar
1 large egg.
In large bowl, stir together with fork; add flour ,sugar, and salt. Cut in shortening until crumbly. In small bowl beat together water, vinegar and egg;add to flour mixture and chill at least 1/2 hour. Can be refrigerated for a week. Makes 2 , 9 inch double crust pies and one pie shell or 20 tart shell. Scraps can be rerolled if necessary. This is the recipe I use on Thanksgivings.
I found it today love you very much,

John McCain Keeps Giving me the Bad Touch

Lately J-Mac has been reminding me of a pervy neighbor I knew when I was a little girl. He never molested me but I could totally tell he wanted to. It was something in the eyes, and the way he tried to build an intimacy between us that separated me from the people I trusted. Walnuts (as the cool kids like to call John McCain) has made it is singular mission in this world to scare me so I will turn to him. And yet again it isn't going to work. I will not let him into my private places. What has been bothering me the most is the scare tactic of associating him with terrorists. William Ayers was a 60's radical. Raise your hand if you wouldn't have been a radical in the 60's. I imagine there aren't all that many raised hands out there. Ayers was in his misguided way trying to fight injustice. He was opposed to the Vietnam War. (No doubt Johnny Mac wouldn't have minded that brouhaha ending a bit sooner.) He also went about righting domestic injustices in what I think we can all agree was the wrong way. His criminal activities are a prime example of what happens when young people don't feel like they can trust their government to do the right thing. Some stand in front of tanks some do something even more extreme. But the tactic of associating Obama with actions an acquaintance took while the Senator was in elementary school is beneath the Republican. But that's how the old man's mind works. If he associated with Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright we can't trust him. Just like your grandpa, he thinks who you're friends are is important. I'm more interested in who a man is himself. We all have associations we're not necessarily proud of. I once accidentally joined the communist party. All I know is that an incredibly good looking guy who was I admit dressed pretty drably asked me to take a survey. The survey consisted of questions about equality and fairness and the rights of the working man. I check "yes" that I agreed with a lot of the statements and at the end I signed my name. And Comrade Sexy shook my hand and said "Welcome to the Communist Party." I froze and then ran away. Issues of the Socialist Worker arrived regularly in the mail for almost a year. It took many letters and phone calls to formally leave the Communist Party, but I did. I joined something without knowing what I was doing, and that will likely follow me around a bit if I enter politics. Something similar happened to John McCain. In 1981 he joined the U.S. Council for World Freedom as a board member. He was new to Washington and joined something without really investigating it. On the surface they supplied arms and funds to paramilitary groups in Latin America. But if he'd really looked closer he would've discovered that according to the Anti-Defamation League at the time it was affiliated with the Anti-Communist League which was a gathering place for extremists, racists, and anti-Semites. J-Mac has a lot of faults but he isn't a racist or an anti-Semite as far as I can tell. But once upon a time he associated with some. That is definitely in my opinion a better scary campfire story than serving on an education board with a FORMER 60's radical.
Recently McCain formed his Presidential transition team and chose William Timmons to head it up. Again if you don't look too close just anther Washington Lobbyist. You know the kind Grandaddy Mac despises. But if you scratch the D.C. vanish on Timmons you learn that he worked with Saddam Hussein after the first Iraq war to lessen the sanctions against Iraq. Which means we can't link Saddam Hussein to 9/11 but we can link him to John McCain. In one step. There are more degrees of separation between Kevin Bacon and Miley Cyrus (It can be done in three steps but I won't tell you). We all make friends. And we don't always choose them carefully enough. Sometimes you just have to look into someone's eyes just like McCain claims he has done with Vladamir Putin, and just trust your instincts. And when J-Mac's eyes meet mine through the TV screen I see a little old man trying to confuse me so I'll give him what he wants. Right now it's just my vote. But what's next?